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Demon Lord, Beholding the Radiance of the Holy Sword
Two days have passed since Wyvern's emergency repairs were completed.
We're still on the planet, facing a bit of a dilemma.
Gathered at the bridge, we discuss while checking the information displayed on one of the projected image windows.
"This is troublesome... the situation isn't changing."
"We can do the impossible, but recklessness won't do."
"The situation is quite dire."
It seems the space battle has ended.
This time, the Faith Hate religious nation emerged victorious and appears to have secured control over the space near this planet.
Well, honestly, power struggles between unfamiliar nations don't matter much to me.
The big issue is that the Faith Hate side has scattered numerous reconnaissance satellites near the planet and has a light cruiser attached in orbit.
Wyvern is a mercenary vessel, albeit an assault landing ship belonging to the Adram Empire.
If we were to leave the atmosphere as is, we'd likely be spotted by the satellites, and both Risel and Wyvern have pointed out that approaching light cruisers would treat us as enemies and sink us.
"We don't know how capable the light cruisers of this world are. Can you give us an idea of the power difference?"
"Well, large ships vary by country, but they're classified into classes like aircraft carriers, battleships, battlecruisers, heavy cruisers, cruisers, light cruisers, destroyers, and frigates."
"Although there's variation among each class, it's said that one of our ships can take on three lower-class ships simultaneously. Wyvern is about the size of a destroyer, but its armaments and shields are a bit stronger than a frigate."
"Simply put, the power ratio is close to 1:9? It would be reckless to engage directly."
When it comes to combat, Lime's assessments are unlikely to be wrong.
With a serious expression, Lime sits in his seat, inexplicably grasping the hem of his skirt. Heh, a temporary distraction in these dire times.
"Can we remove or tamper with the Adram Empire's identification beacon on this ship? We're neither part of the empire nor military personnel."
"The protection on the identification beacon is more intrinsic than sturdy. Unless you get into a dock and report to the government, it's impossible. If it were easily changeable, pirates and special forces would run rampant."
"A ship with its beacon completely removed would be treated worse than military personnel as a pirate... it's dire."
In this era, ship ownership is quite broad.
In essence, it's "owned by whoever is registered as the master electronic brain of the ship's mainframe."
It seems commonplace to salvage and repair abandoned military ships or those where crews have perished due to accidents, like us.
However, to prevent piracy and heinous terrorism, access to databases shared among countries and local governments is required to change ownership.
Normally, salvage ships towing heavily damaged ships or accompanying them would be recognized as "that's a captured ship," and it's common sense for even the military to overlook them.
They're quite lenient, aren't they?
However, our ship consists of only one Wyvern and one Actrae fighter aircraft.
Both are vessels belonging to the Adram military's mercenary fleet and, on top of that, Wyvern has been significantly repaired and cleaned up.
In this state, saying "we're picking this up and going to switch registration" lacks credibility.
The worst-case scenario is either being captured as surviving enemy combatants or being sunk if we flee.
It might sound harsh, but if you're afraid of misunderstanding, you'll be told not to pick up military ships.
...That's the current situation.
Although we've made progress towards leaving the atmosphere, we're stuck because of the light cruiser attached in orbit and the interference from the reconnaissance net.
As they say, better than nothing, we continue repairing Wyvern's armaments and generators with Lime's recovery magic.
Several more days passed, and just as Wyvern's functions had recovered to about 80%, more bad news arrived.
Once again, it was an emergency meeting.
"Bad news. We intercepted some communications, and it seems the Faith Hate folks are planning to build a military supply and relay station in orbit here. In a few more days, they'll be bringing in a massive transport ship loaded with construction equipment and an escort fleet."
That's not good. Handling just one light cruiser is already more than enough.
"If we can't avoid it, we'll have to break through. If the situation worsens any further, we might end up settling down on this planet."
Due to the preparations made earlier, the nightly skinship that Risel initiated has been getting more intense by the day.
As an absolute subordinate familiar, I want to avoid getting involved with her. I really do.
It's incredibly tough to resist the urge when she hugs me tightly, presses her face against my clothes, sniffs intensely, and trembles nervously. I think being slashed with a holy sword would be easier.
My already fragile rationality repeatedly teeters on the brink, barely holding on against the fleeting, beautiful smile that says, "Haven't you done enough...?"
But as a Demon Lord, I can't compromise with evil.
If anyone's going to make a move, it's going to be Risel.
In this desperate situation, I'd prefer not to make excuses or feel helpless.
Am I really that composed?
Who knows. My rationality is hanging by a thread just to preserve the aesthetics of evil.
Actually, it's beyond its limits. I just want it to be over with.
In terms of life and death, even having this much composure is a luxury.
"Do we know the armaments of the light cruiser? If we can imbue Igusa with resistance like we did with the drones, it'll make things a lot easier."
"When it comes to that class, their payload capacity is spacious, and their turrets are designed for versatility, so the range of armaments they can equip is too broad to pinpoint until they actually start shooting."
"It's crucial what we do with the light cruiser itself. With its mobility, it'll easily catch up to us."
"Is this ship smaller than those? Will we lose in terms of speed?"
"Oh, those are active-duty military vessels. This one's an old relic handed down three generations ago from civilian use. The thrusters and reactors are outdated... If we were to modernize and refit, we could shake off those hyenas easily."
"Then we have no choice but to repel them."
From a sci-fi perspective, this situation seems almost hopeless.
But here, in a world living in the realm of fantasy absurdity, there are a Demon Lord and a Hero.
"Lime, do you think you can pilot Wyvern? Can you handle it?"
"Yeah. With my riding and large riding, as well as flight riding skills, I should be fine."
I'm amazed at how versatile his riding skills are.
A few days ago, Actrae went out for perimeter reconnaissance, and Lime's piloting was much better than Risel's time.
Even though he's not riding a horse, when Lime kicks the machine with spurs equipped with greaves, it accelerates mysteriously, which even I found unjustified.
"I'll handle piloting and evasion. I'll take care of the ship's defense. Wyvern, how's your armament?"
"Out of the six electromagnetic railguns mounted on the bow, four are operational. The remaining two were physically crushed during the crash, so it's impossible to replace them until we change the barrels. The secondary high-compression plasma guns disappeared along with the drones during the crash, so nothing can be done until they're replaced. The twin-pulse laser guns mounted on various parts of the hull are about 90% restored."
Electromagnetic railguns? Ah, railguns, the romantic weapons of sci-fi.
"Can you tell me more about the electromagnetic railguns?"
"Sure. First, we store energy in the bullets, slightly recharge them from the reactor, and convert them into high-energy projectiles. Then, we shoot the projectile with an electromagnetic rail. Its main feature is that it can penetrate shields and directly damage the opponent's armor and hull. But since it's a solid projectile, it has a slow muzzle velocity and a relatively short effective range. It's not exactly a user-friendly weapon."
Its weaknesses are slow muzzle velocity and short effective range.
Electromagnetic railguns use magnets to shoot bullets, and if you generate electricity, you can enhance it with thunder attributes.
"Let's try to adjust the electromagnetic railguns. I'll tamper with the bullets. Risel, could you guide me to the ammunition depot?"
"Yes, of course!"
"I'll leave the adjustment of the electromagnetic railguns to Wyvern. Make sure to adjust them so the aim doesn't waver even if the output suddenly increases."
We decided to depart early the next day.
We began preparing to escape from the planet.
...Even on this night, my rationality persevered.
I wonder if someone will praise me soon.
I hear more voices urging me to try harder and not give in. Is that just my imagination...?
At dawn, the sun of this star system had yet to rise above the horizon.
As the dark sky began to lighten, we gathered on the bridge.
I took the central rear seat, which provided optimal information access as the captain.
Lime occupied the front right seat specialized in piloting and navigation systems.
Risel was buried in the console for firearms control and shipboard operations on the left front.
Wyvern, who didn't need a seat or console, stood casually in a suitable spot.
"Well then, shall we go? Are you ready?"
"Yeah. No problem."
Lime answered blandly, but something seemed off.
His gaze, usually direct when speaking to someone, was oddly unfocused. Did something happen?
"Assault landing ship Wyvern, systems are mostly green. We're ready to go whenever."
It's amazing that even a machine can make somewhat fuzzy judgments. Truly fitting for a tsukumogami.
"I'm not ready at all..."
Everyone ignored Risel, who was still voicing her doubts.

In response, Risel seemed to vent her frustration by rubbing her nose against what appeared to be a handkerchief, or maybe a piece of white cloth.
Our teamwork was spot on.
"Commencing launch sequence."
Yes, this is quite fitting for a sci-fi captain.
Though it's a different direction from evil, it's still romantic in its own way.
"Alright, all systems ready. Reactor output increased, switching from stealth to military mode. Initiating checks on all onboard functions, activating shield generators."
It's important to follow these procedures meticulously. Silence would be too dull.
"Shield generation at 84%. Shield strength at 672S. Commencing attitude control, power transfer to anti-gravity systems, activating atmospheric levitation devices for liftoff and transitioning the ship to horizontal upon liftoff."
Through the monitor, the view of the tilted wreckage stopped and gradually leveled with the ground, crushing the remnants of buildings.
"Let's launch."
With both hands gripping joystick-like control handles, Lime manipulated the ship to tilt towards the sky, dropping the wreckage attached to the hull and accelerating as it rose into the air.
"Auxiliary thruster output at 65%, for atmospheric navigation, deploying auxiliary wings... Ugh, I'm getting more and more nervous. Altitude reached 500 meters. Igniting main thrusters."
The thrusters at the rear of the ship fired up and began acceleration... but there was no vibration, and the sound didn't reach the bridge.
"It feels lonely without a loud bang at times like this."
"In that case, how about this, my Lord?"
Suddenly, a thunderous rumbling filled the air around the bridge.
"That's from an external sensor modified a bit. Some sailors like to hear outside sounds, so this old trick still works on this ship."
"Well done, that's really helpful. Good job."
"I'm honored... Oh! Passive sensors detected something, caught by three satellites. Opening active sensors, transferring information to each department."
"Confirmed. Whether it's good luck or bad, a light cruiser is heading in our direction."
Better than being chased from behind. Either way, we're motivated.
"Altitude rising, main thruster output at 92%. Auxiliary thrusters stable at 87% for atmospheric escape."
It's a shame we didn't have enough time for a full repair.
"Multiple high-energy reactions! Lime, here comes the first wave from the light cruiser!"
Upon Wyvern's warning, Lime rolled the ship horizontally while blowing the attitude control thrusters.
With a high-pitched sound resembling a shattered piano amplified, several spears of red light particles grazed the ship's hull, raising massive pillars of fire on the ground.
Translate from Japanese to English:
"Aaaah! Weapons confirmed, high-energy particle cannon. If that hits, it'll evaporate that spot!"
With high-energy and particle cannons, it's fire, physical attributes.
"Conceptual magic invoked: Flame resistance enhancement IX."
"Invocation magic: Guardian Shield X."
Using multi-casting skills and dual magic chanting skills, simultaneously deploying flame resistance and physical defense enhancements.
Internally, I curse the strength of the magic deployed. Perhaps the effects are significantly reduced because it's applied to the ship. Would it have been better to directly deploy it into space from a dedicated seat at the bow?
"Light cruiser is launching a secondary barrage. They're using all their gunports this time, serious business!"
Red particle spears rain down from the light cruiser. They seem capable of rapid fire.
"Let's do our best to evade."
The verniers attached to the hull are further activated.
The strain of evasive maneuvers causes the ship to groan and creak.
"Hey, Lime-san, that's too intense. Could you be a bit gentler, please!"
Don't wheeze. It's affecting my concentration.
The high-energy particle spears, about 30% of which Lime couldn't dodge, are deflected by attribute defenses and shield magic, diverting course with a distorted sound.
"Shields down to 78%. Normally, that would have been quite breezy. Truly, my Lord."
It's surprisingly fragile when unenhanced. Or perhaps their firepower is just too high.
"High altitude reached, propulsion efficiency rising. Upper turret activation initiated, loading ammunition for electromagnetic acceleration cannons 1, 2, 3, energy accumulation underway."
The intervals between the successive downpours of high-energy particles are shortening.
The ship that should have been easily sunk doesn't go down, making me wonder if the enemy is getting desperate.
"Lime, it'll be difficult to evade once they get this close. Please proceed as discussed."
"Yeah. Leave it to me."
Switching to semi-auto───or rather, 'Wyvern's' version───Lime handles the steering.
"Doctrine magic invoked: Environmental adaptation VIII."
"Conceptual magic invoked: Wind attribute resistance enhancement X."
Lime, enchanted with environmental adaptation magic, leaps into the passage.
"We're within main gun range, locking onto targets for shells 1, 2, 3... Firing!"
Accompanied by Risel's somewhat desperate voice, projectiles glowing crimson from the turret soar at meteoric speeds into the sky. In the next moment, the lightly damaged light cruiser spreads orange and crimson explosions.
"Wow... Why are these shells so fast?"
Risel looks bewildered. Wyvern wears a similar expression.
"I applied thunder attribute reinforcement magic to the electromagnetic acceleration cannons, expecting this. I also doubled up with 'Wrath of the Demon Lord' and 'Acceleration' magic on the shells. It enhances both power and speed."
"Is this more fantasy... I'm starting not to care how convenient it is."
She seems quite influenced by fantasy. If she keeps this up, she might get used to it.
"The 'Acceleration' magic purely enhances movement speed."
"The 'Wrath of the Demon Lord' is a magic exclusive to Demon Lords, channeling the rage and hatred felt by the Demon Lord into power... Well, it's something used when a regular Demon Lord, battered and near death from a hero party, says 'Take my last resort'."
Despite its name, 'Wrath' isn't necessarily about anger. It can be any strong emotion felt by the Demon Lord. Normally, it would be anger or hatred for a Demon Lord, though.
This time, I poured accumulated resentment and youthful libido, kept in check by reason, into it. Well, it's become quite powerful.
Most of the energy source is from Risel. Wyvern contributes about 30%.
"Energy reaction from the light cruiser! Is it still alive!?"
Observing the light cruiser after the flames have subsided, there's a massive hole in the center of its hull, almost torn apart at the bow. It's tough to still be operational.
"Did I increase the power too much?"
"Seems like it. It didn't hit the reactor, so they got lucky."
"Why are you so calm... They still have several gunports operational!"
Calm down, Risel. They still have cards left to play.
Even though he's a demon lord of intellectuals.
"That's the plan, Lime. I'm counting on you."
"Leave it to me."
A voice that sounds both reliable and delicate over the mic.
The airlock at the bow of the Wyvern opens, and Lime stands at the bow.
The realm between space and the atmosphere, a world of death.
On the bow of that spaceship, a girl in a charming dress waves in the wind, wielding a sacred sword.
In terms of SF, this might seem absurd or question sanity.
But we are a Demon Lord and heroes.
In terms of fantasy, it might be a fitting scene?
To realize this scene, I added environmental adaptation magic and wind attribute resistance magic.
"Sacred Sword Unleashed."
Golden light dwells in the silver sword held by Lime, extending its blade.

"Judgment Sword"
As Lime swings down the blade made of golden particles,
The light cruiser is cleanly bisected into two from the center.
Exposed reactors trigger a chain reaction, transforming the light cruiser into a small sun and disappearing from sight.
It's a ridiculous sight.
However, as residents of the same fantasy world, it's an incredibly delightful spectacle.
It seems the sacred sword, which has grown to nearly its maximum potential, can be used three times a day with this technique.
As a Demon Lord, it's a complex feeling to think that such a thing can be used three times a day.
Afterwards, they crush and retrieve the satellites in the vicinity that likely captured that absurd scene through their lenses.
They then set off towards the territory of the Adram Empire.