Maou to Yuusha Volume 1 Chapter 1.5

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 Demon Lord, Caring for His Subjects

Even when Lime prioritizes maximum recovery amount with healing magic that focuses on efficiency (not instant recovery but gradual over time), his magic runs out in less than half a day. It's understood that it will take approximately one week for Wyvern to safely leave the atmosphere.

During repairs, there wasn't much for me to do, so by the end of the first day, I managed to clear the passage to the bridge and the clean room, and also removed contaminants, giving me some spare time.

With spare time on my hands, I could start thinking, or perhaps worrying about things. Or both.

And that's exactly what happened. It happened.

And that's a very, very important thing.

One could say that Rizel is already an adult.

According to what I've heard, in the Adram Empire, one becomes an adult by legal standards, and Rizel obtained adult status at the age of 13. She's now past 15, generally considered an adult.

Now, Lime, what about the Hero-sama?

Quite different in physique from the considerably stylish Rizel, or rather, a different body type altogether.

There's no volume, but the balance of body and limbs is unlike that of a child's.

Although short, the limbs are slender and long, giving a sharp impression.

Often with an unsociable expressionless face, the facial features are literally strikingly beautiful.

With a transparency and long silver hair unlike that of a Japanese person, emerald eyes.

Amidst the combination of silver hair and white skin, the emerald eyes stand out and shine.

And the will dwelling in those eyes is terribly strong.

A blend of cuteness and beauty in a ratio of 8:2, she would probably look good in gothic lolita or fancy magical girl outfits.

If I were to sum up all aspects of her appearance in one word, it would be 'gracefully youthful'.

Her entire existence could be said to be a source of worry.

Huh? Hard to tell what she's worrying about? Oh well, let me put it in one sentence.

It's whether touching Lime makes me a lolicon or not.

Wait, hold on, back up.

Call it my gut feeling, but Lime may look young on the outside, but she's quite mature.

When it comes to erotic matters, my gut rarely misses the mark, so you can trust me.

Just to be sure, next time I'll use the magic of 'Appraisal X' to confirm it properly.

Honestly, I think that magic is seriously violating privacy.

But I have no intention of stopping its misuse.

But I digress.

I'm not the kind of person who only wants to do erotic things with a childlike appearance like Lime's.

Of course, Rizel is within the acceptable range, and even older women are fine.

In other words, given my wide range, isn't it normal for me to be interested in Lime?

Oh, and of course, I don't consider lolicons to be a nuisance.

I understand that age has nothing to do with love, and I think gentlemen who have desires but refrain from committing crimes are great.

I myself am not afraid to be called a lolicon.

Laughing off bad reputations is what being a Demon Lord is all about.

In other words, I won't tolerate being labeled a lolicon and misunderstood not to have erotic thoughts about older women.

No, the pride of a Demon Lord won't allow it──

──Before becoming a Demon Lord, I was even suspected of being into BL by my university friends and little sister.

I couldn't shake off that suspicion, which makes my words less convincing.

It's painful not to be taken seriously even when I try to harass normally.

No, BL isn't bad. As a Demon Lord, desires are something to be affirmed.

But confessing and being cried at with "I hate fake girlfriends" is genuinely painful.

Rather, that time, I went home and locked myself in my room before crying.

Now, do you understand my worries?

Don't just call me a lolicon.

Say I'm a ruthless scoundrel with a wide defensive range, an erotic man like a manga sports player.

As a Demon Lord, I'll admit it.

"Igusa-sama looks very serious while reading a book..."

"Don't be fooled, his eyes aren't following the text. He's definitely thinking something weird."

"Lately, There's Something I've Been Concerned About"

There were various things to do, and I had put it off, but the voice I heard when many people's lives disappeared, probably something system-related that summoned Lime and me to this world, said:

《Confirming the survival of the Hero. Due to the Demon Lord's victory, the Hero shall be enslaved to the Demon Lord》

Originally, I think it's a penalty for the Hero who had been running away for his life without doing anything until the Demon Lord destroyed humanity.

For a long time, hearing about the history of this planet where the civilization level fluctuated between medieval and classical, it wouldn't be strange to have slaves even with the presence of a Demon Lord and Hero.

I've been concerned about this system of enslavement.

Enslavement, it's a good word, isn't it?

I think the gentlemen who nodded just now are friends of the heart.

Now, since then, a metal collar has been attached to Lime's neck, with a chain extending from it.

Although he behaves as if nothing happened, I know he's been secretly trying to remove it.

I also have a metal bracelet and chain on my hand, with the chain seeming to be interrupted halfway, but it seems to be connected to Lime's collar somehow.

When I made a contract with Rizel before, it seemed to temporarily seal Lime's words and consider my intentions to some extent.

However, it's also troublesome at times.

As a Demon Lord, I can grasp what I can do when acquiring skills.

It's because I can use unfamiliar magic as if I'm already familiar with it.

However, this enslavement system seems to operate differently, and the conditions are somewhat unclear.

To determine its limits, I could conduct radical experiments, but if as a result Lime were to lose his life, it would be a waste... too pitiful.

Carefully, so as not to be noticed by that sharp Lime, I carefully investigated.

It seems that the system for commands to familiars is quite different from what I expected.

Commands to familiars are compulsions like "must do this."

The most frequently used so far was probably "must tell the truth."

For verification and to pass the time, I tried things like "throw the ball" and "you must try hard to catch it in your mouth," but Rizel couldn't rebel.

After enjoying this ball-catching game thoroughly, Rizel locked herself in the bathroom for half a day.

I feel sorry, although I'm enjoying her reactions so much that I'm not reflecting.

With Lime's collar, it seems the main function isn't setting conditions but rather restraint.

It's a prohibition like "must not do this," which is much more difficult to handle than commands.

With Rizel, it was a restraint like "you must not make a sound until the contract ends."

If I wanted to, I could probably set something like "you must not resist erotic activities."

But it's not beautiful, so I won't. And after it ends, I'll definitely be slashed by the holy sword.

Although some conditioning is possible, it remains difficult to do anything other than restraint.

"However, Now that We Have Obtained the Right of Enslavement, Wouldn't It Be a Waste Not to Use It?"

"Igusa-sama, Igusa-sama, look at this!"

While sinking into the depths of profound thought, I was organizing information on the terminal, touching the console on the bridge to familiarize myself with the machine operations of this era, and getting advice from the Wyvern, when I heard Rizel's cheerful voice.

"What is it, Rizel? You seem excited."

"Look at Lime-san... He's hiding behind there, come out!"

For some reason, Lime was snugly hiding behind Rizel, but he was pushed out and came forward.


Indeed, at times it's better to sigh in admiration than to put it into words.

"Oh my, I'm amazed. I thought you were a snow fairy."

Even the Wyvern is praising wholeheartedly.

I think it's an honest impression, but it feels odd for a familiar spirit to liken someone to a fairy... Doesn't it imply some kind of yokai camaraderie?

Previously, Lime had worn what seemed to be the equipment of a hero: armor adorned with gold and green on white metal. Now, he was dressed in the style of a young lady from somewhere.

With the same color scheme and design, it looks like a dress at first glance, but it's divided into a blouse and skirt.

The blouse part has a large collar like a blazer around the neck, fastened with buttons at the front, but layered with an inner garment so that the skin isn't visible.

The skirt is intricately folded, giving the appearance of several layers of fabric gently enveloping the wearer.

A large ribbon on the back of the waist adds a significant touch.

And gloves with knee-high socks. All in white fabric with golden threads...?

"Could it be that you transformed armor and gauntlets?"

"Oh, you caught me! Lime-san said he could turn armor into regular clothes, so I showed him my treasured design collection that I bought and stashed away at the trade station!"

...Why is Rizel wagging her tail like a dog? She's more like a cat, right?

"This is incredibly cute. The material was good to begin with."

Honestly, I want to teach her various inappropriate games. But I won't say it out loud.


Lime hid behind Rizel again. Could he be shy?

Surprising. Was he not good at receiving compliments?

"If I had a physical body, I would give her candy."

Wyvern, with your appearance, that sounds criminal. Better not.

"Lime, I have a question. Considering the color of your hair, did you want other colored fabrics?"

"...How did you know?"

He looked surprisingly surprised.

Even though I'm used to being endlessly dragged along for my sister's shopping, why am I feeling so sad?

"...Well, it's a matter of color. I might be able to do something about it. Come over here."

The dress and design are wonderful, but the compatibility of the material with Lime's silver hair is not quite there.

The bridge's lighting from the Wyvern is quite bright, causing a halation effect with the pure white clothing and silver hair that's physically dazzling.

"...I see. The defense is still intact even after changing clothes."

Approaching cautiously. He seems cautious... I can only guess why.

I activated magic by touching Lime's fabric with my fingertips.

"Curse Mark Magic: Curse Mark X"

Immediately after casting the spell, the fabric, which was dazzlingly pure white, turned into a dark color.

I thought that even the hero's equipment would turn black if it fell under a curse, but it seems like it was successful.

With some adjustments and leaving some white in places, I think I did a good job.

"Oh, the color changed. Igusa-sama has such good taste!"

Rizel clapped her hands joyfully.

Seeing her not surprised, there might be fabrics in the future that change colors.

"I'm glad... But this is a curse with lasting effects, right?"

"Don't worry, the purpose of the curse is simply to change the color. It just kills pests and poisonous insects that get close."

It's for extermination, but in this contaminated world devoid of signs of life, it might be meaningless.

...If I had done something similar with conceptual magic, I might have been classified as a bad insect and killed myself. It was a close call.

"Hmm, thank you. I prefer this color too."

Lime swirled around, letting the changed clothes flutter softly, examining them.

There was a slight smile on his face──

───Did you think I would end this with such a touching tale, even as a Demon Lord?

If someone asks me later, I'll say this:

The trigger was pulled by Lime and Rizel, both of them.

It might sound like I'm pushing responsibility onto them.

But even if you don't know, it's natural to be in danger when tap-dancing in a minefield, right?

"This is a service."

I interfere with Lime's collar.

The magic I use on the collar is slightly different from the system, but I was also interested in analyzing it.

If the foundation is magic, some modifications are possible.

The crude metal ring that was the collar, through magical interference, transformed into a choker-type adorned with a thin chain crossing in front of the neck.

"Thank you..."

Lime looked wide-eyed at his neck in a mirror using a handheld device.

"What, it's just a magic experiment. Tomorrow, I'll ask the Wyvern for recovery magic again."

Lime, who had been dumbfounded, returned to the clean room with Rizel.

They're probably continuing with stylish adjustments to match the newly transformed accessory around his neck.

Did I look like a good person?

If so, that's a mistake. Because I'm a Demon Lord.

Why did I interfere with Lime's choker?

Of course, there's a reason.

When using the function of the collar, which is the essence of enslavement, it performs actions as if the chain were being pulled.

Until now, it was a thick metal chain, so the movements were obvious.

However, by making the chain for decorative use so thin and light, it would only make small movements that could be overlooked.

Let me say it upfront.

You can call me a villain. You can accuse me of being heartless. Heck, you can even call me a perverted Demon Lord.

But I'll say it with a smile. Thanks for the compliment!

Now, let's use the function of the collar right away.

"Demon Lord, you're making quite a wicked face. I understand how you feel, though."

That's right. Despite being a familiar spirit, this guy seems to have a deep understanding of all things erotic.

In fact, he's an erotic old man both inside and out, as seen in the personal terminal's collection of gentlemen's videos and holographic software, mainly featuring minor genres like training and confinement.

Well, that's who he is.

Quite impressive, I sympathized with him as a gentleman.

"What, isn't it natural for a Demon Lord to make a wicked face?"

Immediately, I concentrated magic on the bracelet and inscribed the command of "enslavement."

  1. "[While inside a toilet on the current planet, you must not feel the need to urinate.]"

  2. "[While wearing underwear, you must not feel a sense of release.]"

  3. "[When not feeling a sense of release, you must not relax tension.]"

  4. "[When performing the above actions, you must feel a stronger sense of crisis than any other emotion.]"

Phew... when writing in magic, you have to concentrate magic all at once, and the chain moves dramatically. It's a very delicate task.

Seeing Lime not jumping in, he must have been frolicking with Rizel and didn't notice the implementation of enslavement.

"Demon Lord, you have such good taste. You're a bad person."

Don't praise me, Wyvern. Praise won't get you anywhere.

Rather than just restraining.

Conditioned inhibition like "[at the time]" and "[you must not]" consumes magic intensely.

Especially since Lime, whose magical resistance is on a different level compared to ordinary space beings (reference: Rizel), it's a huge task to even consider doing so.

In fact, excessive use of magic has caused severe palpitations and shortness of breath.

But I have no regrets. Call me a pervert if you want!

"After that, Lime somehow desperately tried to maintain his composure, making strangely painful excuses, but started creating reasons to go outside while asking for environmental adaptation magic to be used.

"I-Igusa. There's something I'm curious about, so I want to look around nearby... P-please cast the environmental adaptation magic. S-Soon... please."

Clearly, wearing armor must be uncomfortable. Since that day, he's been keeping the armor transformed into clothing, but he's become oddly concerned about the hem of his skirt.

He's trying hard to keep the same expressionless face as before, but occasionally, he can't hide the blush on his face.


"What's wrong? It's a strange stance for holding a sword. I don't have much training time, so I'll come to you."

"......! ...............!!"

"Why are you sitting down?"

"I-It's nothing."

Since Lime said he wanted to train with a sword and became quite delighted during training sessions, he's been showing very enjoyable reactions.

Of course, I don't know anything and continue to pretend not to notice.

This is what they call the beauty of evil.

Those who understand are kindred spirits. If any of the Demon Lord's subordinates desire it, I'll make them my subordinate, so come to me."

"It was nearing midnight.

Although there was no need for night duty, I didn't want to waste time returning to my room to sleep, so I was reading an e-book on the bridge.

In this sci-fi world, printed books are considered rare collector's items, so e-books are the norm.

The generic terminal I obtained when I woke Wyvern up seemed to reflect its owner's interests — it contained a vast amount of text data.

I've always been an indiscriminate reader back on Earth.

Books offer freedom; unlike reality, there are many stories where beauty in evil thrives.

Now, about that massive amount of text data — it's truly impressive, fitting for a future generic terminal.

The amount of text stored in the terminal alone might rival that of a national library.

I found an intriguing title among them and began reading it.

The title was 'Disciplinary Methods for Defiant Subordinates: A Guide for Managers.'

For someone like me, struggling with Lizel, who seems lacking in obedience despite being a familiar, it was a welcome title.

However, the gratitude didn't last long.

"...It's just an erotic novel!"

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Novel Nook Haven Translation

It turned out to be an erotic novel about disciplining defiant subordinates sexually.

And the content was utterly abysmal. This author clearly has no understanding of the aesthetics of villainy.

They think all it takes is exploiting weaknesses and threats to make someone obedient.

Once you've engaged in a relationship, they'll do whatever you want. That's not villainy; it's just not right!

Appalled by its low quality, I involuntarily woke Wyvern, who was sleeping, and sent the text data to show him the content.

I've recently learned that even familiars sleep.

'My lord, did you wake me up in the middle of the night just to show me this...'

Even for someone capable of surpassing the limits of machine performance for good erotica, Wyvern was left exhausted.

"Understand my anger. Isn't this awful?"

'It's not worth a penny. Firstly, it lacks any aesthetic. It's a waste of storage space.'

"That's why, as an apology for waking you, I'm thinking of providing a palate cleanser. Wyvern, prepare to capture and edit."

'My lord, what are you planning?'

"Discipline. Let's see if this greedy subordinate can become a bit more obedient... shall we?"

"Near Wyvern's bridge is the clean room.

Originally intended for high-ranking officers like the captain, it featured luxuries such as top-notch inertial cancelers, pseudo-gravity generators like the Gravita, and an air conditioning system that even in simple circulation didn't emit foul odors.

Originally a spacious single room, it's now divided into three compartments using repair-grade armor materials.

Each room spans about 8 tatami mats in size, roughly equivalent to a single room in a city hotel.

This setup is exceptionally spacious for a combat ship, apparently.

After all, an Actray can't move from the cockpit.

It was even later than usual, nearing what Earth calls the witching hour.

I opened the door to Lize's compartment.

Of course, it was securely locked, but with Wyvern's top-level permissions under my control, the master key was at my disposal.

Of course, I had no intention of sneaking into Lize's room for such mundane purposes as nocturnal activities.

If I were to entertain such thoughts, I'd approach Lizel directly while she's awake, woo her, and then sweep her off her feet.

Now, to achieve my goal, there were futons — futuristic sleep pods, like liquid-filled coffins that provide ample sleep and high fatigue recovery — in each room according to my tastes.

Lizel, clad in pajamas with a strangely girlish pattern, slept soundly, making an unsexy snore, having abandoned her elegance somewhere.

The purpose of my visit was to execute a 'command' on the familiar.

Unlike Lime's 'restraint,' which can be activated remotely, commands must be directly communicated to the person, including the conditions dictated by the order.

However, there was a little trick.

The command will activate if the person hears it, even if they are unconscious.

In other words, if I implant a 'command' while Lizel is asleep, she won't notice.

Thought it was cheap?

If it's for the sake of my goals, the ends justify the means — though I do choose carefully.

"Lizelit, command order."

  • "1. Enter a short-term mating season approximately two hours after dinner."

  • "2. During the mating season, it will be exceedingly difficult to suppress desires."

  • "3. Satisfaction cannot be achieved through self-relief activities."

  • "4. Conditions 2 and 3 will be relaxed the closer you are to the master."

  • "5. The closer you are to the master, the greater the sense of satisfaction will be."

Alright, this setup should do.

Let's turn this somewhat dependent erotic catgirl into something more obedient.

Honestly, if left alone like this, I have a feeling she'll start acting too freely.

I retreated from Lize's room using magic to ensure no sound or presence.

Upon returning to the bridge, Wyvern, who likely observed the entire affair through a floating projection window, appeared pensive.

There's no helping it from a security standpoint, but it's probably best not to tell Lime and Lizel that all rooms are under surveillance.

"What's the matter, Wyvern? What's troubling you?"

"Well, you see, my lord's actions, I thought they were meant to directly engage in more erotic activities. Yet those convoluted commands... I'm having trouble fully understanding them."

"I see. Well... from what I've gathered from Lizel reports, the ones who used to ride Wyvern before were more interested in straightforward erotica."

"Listen, Wyvern. If it's just about following commands to shake your hips, wouldn't there be scientific advancements by now? There are life-sized adult dolls that are indistinguishable from humans, right?"

"Well, yes. Those kinds of goods are incredibly expensive, though."

"But Lizelit isn't a doll. Don't you think it's a waste to substitute her actions with something only as capable as a doll?"

"I understand that, but... I'm still not sure what to do with the commands you just gave."

"Well, let's see... I think there will be changes in 2-3 days."

It was a night when Wyvern's repairs were progressing smoothly, and the ship's functions were gradually recovering.

After dinner, as usual, I leaned back on the most comfortable captain's seat on the bridge and read texts on my mobile device. Occasionally there were surprises, but with its diverse genres and abundant content, I found it to be a good find.

The door Lime had shredded was finally repaired, and the now functional door opened as Lizel entered.

"What's up, Lizel? Did you forget something?"

I was reading a travelogue of an imperial noble (holding an honorary title, so to speak). Despite not doing much, the narrative was forcibly uplifting, and I enjoyed it in a way reminiscent of late-night B-movie dramas aired on Earth.

"Oh, Igusa-sama, I haven't been sleeping well lately."

She certainly looked sleepy. She staggered over to the captain's seat.


She hugged me from the side, rubbing her head against my neck as if marking territory, like a cat would.

Perhaps it was a feline instinct.

Hikari TL

"What's wrong, Lizel?"

I questioned while keeping my gaze fixed on the terminal.

"Igusa-sama, I feel like I haven't been bonding enough with my familiar..."

As she continued to rub her head against me, I reluctantly stroked her head with one hand. She seemed to enjoy it, behaving quietly.

Indeed, the effects manifested within two or three days were beyond my expectations.

Acknowledging the existence and circumstances of a 'familiar', she even referred to it as 'keeping' one herself.

Saying so, Lizel, with eyes half-closed, her rationality seemingly melting away.

Lizel continued to seek affection persistently, eventually falling asleep with her head on my lap, so I carried her back to her room.

When she wakes up tomorrow morning, she might remember everything and let out a delightful scream.

"I am astonished... I salute you, Demon Lord."

After escorting Lizel to her room and returning, Wyvern greeted me with an expression that seemed to mix surprise and dread.

"Do you understand what I've done, Wyvern?"

"Yes, I have simulated and analyzed repeatedly. Demon Lord, rather than prompting action through command, you guided actions and thoughts through orders."

"Exactly, Wyvern. Lizel has been troubled by a condition of dissatisfaction these past few days. It's even caused her to lose sleep."

Recently, Lizel has appeared quite sleepy, and her earlier state indicated she was half-conscious and drowsy.

"But living in such close quarters, Lizel would eventually notice. Somehow, her condition improves when she's near me... ridiculous as it sounds."

It might be an insensitive thing to say even for Lizel, but it's the truth.

"Given those circumstances, when sleep deprivation and dissatisfaction peak, her cognitive abilities decline, and she instinctively seeks a solution by getting closer to the Demon Lord."

"Naturally, she's not under hypnosis, so she'll remember everything clearly. There's no psychological escape saying she did it because she was 'ordered'. I'm really looking forward to Lizel reaction tomorrow morning."

"Yes, I'll make sure to record it properly. I've truly witnessed something remarkable."

"Well, it's part of disciplining an overly independent subordinate."

Now, I wonder how Lizel will behave in the future after today's actions increase.

Lizel Litt, with her long-winded name, is not a morning person. 

Even though she's not a fan of early mornings to begin with.

Lately, she's been having trouble falling asleep.

"Nyufufuu... kuー... suaaー"

"Mmm... Morning, huh? So sleepy."

I haven't been able to sleep well lately... kuー... because of that.

Mornings where I can sleep deeply like this are precious.

Could this be thanks to the ample bonding with Igusa-sama last night...? 


In an instant, the drowsiness disappeared into the far reaches of space, and I woke up abruptly.

"Ah, haha. Lately, I've been having trouble falling asleep... s-s-so I-I think I had a strange dream!"

Dry laughter escaped my lips naturally.

Yes, lately... um, I won't say why, but I've been having trouble falling asleep at night.

Sweat... yes, sweat has been so bad that I've had to change my pajamas multiple times.

"B-b-but, you know! That dream was, um, a bit too... intense!"

My heart was pounding with excitement. Because that dream... 

"Fu, funyaaaaaaaaaa!!"

I was so embarrassed that I rolled around on the bed!

"What's wrong with me, being so frustrated?!"

"Even so, that dream couldn't have happened, right?! It's too fantastical!"

"Is this also because of Igusa-sama and Lime-san always doing fantastical things?!"

I buried my face in the pillow, flailing my arms and legs.

My mind was completely blank, yet I felt embarrassed beyond measure!

"Calm down, calm down. I don't need such intense palpitations, not even exercising or being sick!"

I was thrashing about on the bed, but after about 30 minutes...

It took 30 minutes to calm down, but I managed to settle down somehow.

"Having such an embarrassing dream is unbearable!"

I sat on the bed, a bad habit from childhood.

During times like this, I couldn't help but chew on the tip of my tail, a habit that never went away.

But I might end up having such an embarrassing dream again.

"Stay calm, Lizel Litt. Stay cool."

I continued to take deep breaths, trying to reassure myself.

I couldn't stop chewing on the tip of my tail, but gradually, I began to calm down.

As I calmed down and looked around at myself, I realized I wasn't in pajamas, but in my usual clothes.

"Huh? When did I change?"

I'm sure I was wearing pajamas yesterday... and I just couldn't sleep at all.

I changed into my casual clothes to go meet Igusa-sama in my dream... right?

"Ahaha... Ahaha, no way, no way!"

I trembled while desperately trying to hold back my shaking hands.

I grabbed the pillow I had pressed my face and head against just now.

"What if, what if?! If I pressed it like in that dream, Igusa-sama's scent would definitely be on my hair and face, and it would be all over the pillow!"

Yes, whom am I explaining this to?

But, if I don't say it out loud, I'm too scared to act.

"I-I must brace myself────── Hoo"

I calmed down and pressed my nose against the pillow, sniffing the scent thoroughly.

In addition to my own scent, there was a very strong scent of Igusa-sama.

It wasn't just passing by or being in the same room.

It was such an intense scent, almost like pressing it repeatedly in the dream...

A... it... wasn't... a dream!!!

"I-it wasn't a dream, after all!!"

That day, I finally calmed down by early afternoon.

I apologized profusely to both of them for oversleeping.

Igusa-sama was strangely kind, saying, "Well, you must have been tired."

...If there were a box, I'd want to curl up and hide inside it.

"Clean Room・Private Room 3 Security Camera / ● REC"

It was after dinner on a certain day.

"Hey, Igusa. Can I ask you something?"

Lizel returned to her room early because she was sleepy, and while drinking something like post-dinner tea—mixed powder and water from the synthesizer—she was approached by Lime.

"Yeah, what is it?"

"Well, I'm working hard on preparing for our escape, but why do you want to go to space, Igusa?"

Come to think of it, while I've spoken to myself about various things in soliloquy, I haven't actually told Lime anything about it.

"Because I'm the Demon Lord. My purpose is to commit evil that aligns with aesthetic sensibilities, but if there were no people to begin with, there would be no evil deeds to commit, right?"

"I wonder... I hate to say it myself, but couldn't I do bad things to people like myself or Lizel?"

It's difficult to say that I'm currently committing mischief-level evil deeds. If I were exposed, I'd probably be killed.

"It's not impossible, but that wouldn't satisfy me. If I were to commit evil, I'd want it to be something that affects many people's lives for better or worse—besides..."


"...Evil should prioritize those close to you, right? With Lime and Lizel, at most, I can only manage mischief."

The pranks I play on Lime and Lizel are at most enough to slightly distort their lives. They're not something that would have a significant impact on the world or human society.

"I see... That makes sense."

Lime looked surprised at first, then unusually relaxed. Was that a smile?

"Igusa, I also want to go to space. I want to extend a helping hand to people I feel like helping, whether they're good or bad. That's the most important reason why I want to become a hero. So, I want to go where people are."

I was surprised by Lime's statement. Her reason is quite similar to one of the evils I admired, wanting to stick to my own thoughts as a dark hero character.

"That's great. Regardless of good or evil, helping only those you want to help with your own will. It's a way of life I want to support as Igusa, once human and now a Demon Lord."

"...Thank you. You're the first one to accept me like this, Igusa. Let's both do our best to escape from this planet."

Lime turned happily, bid me goodnight, and hurried back to her room.

"It was insensitive to point out that her way of life resembles that of a dark hero. However, it can't be helped. Even though I'm a Demon Lord, I find myself wanting to support a hero."

It seems strange for a Demon Lord to support a hero, but I'd like to see Lime in action.

As someone who embodies the aesthetics of evil with the power of a hero, Lime fits well with the evil principles I hold dear.

...I'm starting to desire the heart of a hero. Is this desire coming from my admiration for evil, or from me as a Demon Lord? I can't even judge that myself.

The repair of the Wyvern has been progressing quite well.

Lately, with the restored sensors, we've begun collecting information from the surroundings and orbits.

After running out of magical power, Lime spent his time creating graves for the humans whose remains were the only things left aboard the ship, but he seems to be nearing completion.

Lizel is fully occupied with improvements around the Wyvern's bridge. Originally designed to be operated by around ten people, they are customizing it so that three people can manage everything.

It was one evening that hinted departure from this planet was imminent.

Today, instead of being on the bridge, I was in my own room.

There's not much luggage, so it's a bland and dry room without small items or furniture.

In front of the monitor for shipboard communications, Wyvern appeared, projecting himself in mid-air.

The passive sensors attached to the hull are still operating, but Wyvern doesn't need to be fully engaged in processing them.

Right now, the two of us are gathered together under the pretense of salvaging remaining data on the ship... you probably already know what we're up to. Two men, too eager to follow their instincts, swelling with anticipation as they prepare to view the treasure trove of information left behind by the gentlemen aboard the ship.

"Master Demon Lord, are we ready to begin?"

"Yeah, go ahead. We've worked hard for this day."

Lime doesn't mind, but Lizel feels embarrassed. She won't interfere until I've already obtained something, but if there's something undiscovered, she'll try to bury it in darkness.

The days we desperately collected data together with Wyvern are nostalgic.

Now, time travelers, show me what desires you harbored in your hearts.

Show this Demon Lord...!

───The first piece was the work of a professional in that field. However, it was so ripe that it seemed about to wither away.


You can berate me for being weak after I rushed to the toilet with my hand over my mouth.

"The, this guy is too much... eh, was this held by a 19-year-old youngster? What kind of deeply wicked person was he..."

───The second piece. It was a beautiful visual piece. However, mixing moans with the sound effects of primitive construction robots punching each other in the video seems a bit off.

"...Hey, Wyvern. To me, it just looks like a robot battle."

If you see it as just a robot battle, it's a decent piece. However, the moans used as sound effects are quite distracting.

"It's for advanced users... As a familiar spirit, I can barely handle it."

Can you handle it, Wyvern? I almost started to respect you there.

───The third piece. It was an endless depiction of slime-like organisms eating each other.

"...Space is vast. It's hard to catch up when the species are so different."

"Well, if the species are different, it must be very exciting."

───The fourth piece. It was just noise. Both the image and the sound were just noise.

"Was the data corrupted?"

"It seems correct like this. The title is 'Noise × Noise, Muddy and Rough Noise Heaven'."

"Yeah, in my time, it would be considered too early for humanity. Come to think of it, this is the future... Did humanity catch up?"

Conclusion: The depth of depravity among the future people far exceeded expectations.

That... how should I put it? There were countless desires that even as a Demon Lord, I couldn't understand.

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