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Demon Lord encounters a wounded flying dragon
The optical sensors of the Class 5 fighter, Actray, captured a markedly changed landscape in its surroundings.
From the vast plains that had long spread out in a rusty red hue, it had transitioned into urban areas.
While the density of buildings was still low, it seemed to grow denser as it progressed in the direction ahead.
A deserted, rust-red ruined city devoid of life is quite an emotionally charged sight, but personally, it feels somewhat lacking without any plants.
I suppose ruin enthusiasts would find it quite a sight.
However, even in such a scene, all I can do is sigh as I watch.
What am I trying to say?
Indeed, as a Demon Lord, I don't dislike scenes like this, where civilizations of people have perished.
I don't dislike them, but I'm more of a Demon Lord who prefers to rule people, so I don't have a hobby for indiscriminate destruction or ruin like this.
It just feels wasteful.
Don't you think so?
Taking control of a large city, demanding maidens as sacrifices, enjoying various things, and gently saying to the sacrificial children, "You've been abandoned by the city dwellers."
Turning them into evil female executives seeking revenge against the humans who abandoned them—isn't that romantic?
And it's even better if they are so weak that they get defeated by humans every time...!
...But you know, it feels empty to see it all perish without doing anything.
Yes, let me give you an analogy.
Imagine you becoming a hero of justice.
Imagine you getting excited saying, "Unforgivable! I must defeat the evil organization!" after obtaining some transformation item by chance.
"Now for today's news. The evil organization XXX has been completely destroyed. It seems that internal strife due to succession disputes was the cause..."
Imagine seeing that on the TV news.
Wouldn't it go beyond sadness and only bring emptiness and a sense of fatigue?
...Demon Lords are also in the service industry that cannot exist without people.
I really want to go where there are more people soon.
I wonder how the erotic... gentlemen's social gatherings in the scientifically advanced world are going.
"Igusa seems to be thinking something strange."
You saw through my poker face? Isn't that too sharp, dear hero?
"Let me hear why you think so."
"Igusa usually makes quick decisions about serious matters. When he's lost in thought for a long time, it often leads to strange thoughts."
I can't argue with that. I haven't lived a life troubled enough to think deeply about serious matters for a long time.
"I see. That's helpful to know."
It's important to muddy the waters rather than try to cover it up. If you poorly refute, your flaws will be exposed.
"Igusa-sama, Raim-san. I can see the mothership!"
Turning my consciousness outward at Rizel's voice.
The crash site is near the center of the densely packed ruins of huge buildings.
It's easy to see from above, but it seems like the speed was quite high at the time of the crash.
Ruined buildings that were on the course were knocked down, the ground was gouged by the hull, and it crashed into the densely packed area of buildings.
The shape is indeed that of an SF-class battleship. If I were to compare it, it would be like a modern submarine, elongated, with smooth curves and more wings and turrets in places, with a futuristic design.
Does it resemble an SF-class spaceship imagined on Earth, similar to a futuristic submarine?
There are marks of skirmishes with drones on the hull, paint is scorched, the hull is melted with large holes, and there are places where the interior is exposed from large cracks, all visible from the outside.
It looks more like a wreck that just maintains its rough shape.
"Rizel. It's too big, and I can't quite grasp the scale. How big is the mothership?"
"It's about 180 meters in size. It's small for a battleship."
180 meters for a spaceship is small? In an SF world, would that be normal?
"It retains its original shape, but the damage is severe. Is repair possible?"
"It's impossible. If it's this broken, there won't be enough repair parts, and it looks like both the outer shell and the keel are damaged, so restoring it from this state would not be repair but restoration. Flying the ship from this state would be impossible with just emergency repairs."
"Troublesome. It's lonely to live with just the three of us on this ruined planet."
Murmured Raim quietly, feeling the danger and all.
You understand it well.
It looks too young, but if you're hungry, I'm not confident enough not to touch it.
She seems Japanese, but she doesn't look Japanese. It's a charming delicacy like a fairy that came out of a story.
...Yeah, it looks like our family will grow within a year.
"Rizel, are there any survivors?"
"If there are no signs of life. Maybe they escaped in escape pods, or they were delayed in escaping and died in the crash, or they seem to have been wiped out by contaminated atmosphere."
She's pretty dry for a former colleague.
"Aren't you concerned? They were your former comrades."
It seems Raim had the same impression.
"It's a mercenary band, but they were like outlaws and scoundrels. They did torture and drug trafficking with prisoners as well, so it's their own fault."
Certainly, it wouldn't hurt to escape alone and escape, even if it's just for food.
"... You managed to be okay on such a ship."
"I knew it was bad as soon as I got on the ship, so I wore a full-face helmet and a large-size explosion-resistant white coat all the time... It was cramped."
If you're such an outlaw, you'd be at ease in Rizel's appearance.
However, if you're always wearing a full-face helmet and a large white coat as a mechanic, you'd be feared before you laid a hand on anyone.
"Igusa, can't you do something? Like the restoration magic earlier?"
"It's impossible to go back in time in this condition. Even with my magic power, it's not enough for this size. Well... Rizel, can you tell if the bridge or the information equipment is alive?"
"I don't know the damage situation, but I think the form remains. You won't know until you go inside."
"I have one idea. It would be a relief if the bridge or electronic equipment was alive."
"Then let's go."
Raim seems quite enthusiastic. Did she notice my ulterior motives earlier and feel a sense of crisis?
"Okay. Since the landing block is badly damaged, I'll land nearby."
Actray descended slowly towards the vicinity of the assault landing ship.
We descended from Actray and walked towards the crashed assault landing ship.
The ground in the urban area looked like sand, but was it originally some kind of debris?
The particles were strangely large. It felt like walking on a ground made of beads.
Rizel's smartphone-like device in her breast pocket kept beeping warnings, and she hurriedly silenced it.
"Ugh... Walking on top of crystallized pollutants that can cause instant death within several kilometers is not something one would normally do."
It turned out to be crystalline instead of sand. No wonder the particles felt too large.
Upon examining the surroundings of the assault landing ship, we found a place where the airlock was broken, exposing the corridor. We entered from there.
Inside, scattered throughout the corridors were ashes resembling buried clothes and suits.
I had prepared myself for something gruesome, possibly filled with fresh corpses, but it was rather anticlimactic.
"Hey, Rizel. Are these ashes scattered around everywhere originally human remains?"
"Yes, Igusa-sama. The concentration of pollutants is so high that even flesh and bones are decomposed."
"Complicated, but better than encountering a large number of corpses."
I completely agree.
Even though I've become a Demon Lord, I have no hobby of creating grotesque-looking corpses to play with.
"By the way, Rizel. You've been picking up and then putting back small terminal-like devices from clothes and suits all over the place. What are you up to?"
She actually said "gulp" with her mouth. She's quite reactive as always.
"N-Nothing at all. I'm just checking if there's any new information, okay?"
If you're going to make excuses, at least hide it better. Your gaze is clearly wandering.
"Order, Rizel. Confess honestly about what you were doing."
"Y-Yes, sir! I... uh... was receiving intercredits, the common digital currency, from the terminals of other people. Since they were outlaws, they had saved up quite a lot, so it's quite a haul... Ahhh, I've confessed!"
She really has a strong spirit and initiative.
"Rizel, we'll divide the spoils later. No hoarding."
Rizel drooped her cat ears disappointedly. She must have made quite a profit.
Hmm? Lime proposing to share the loot is quite cunning.
For a justice-minded hero, even stripping from corpses would likely be objectionable.
Finally, we've arrived. This is the bridge. The mainframe that controls the ship is directly below here.
Navigating through maze-like corridors that had collapsed in various places, occasionally blowing away debris, we finally arrived.
Positionally, we're near the central part of the assault landing ship's hull, right? It's the most important facility, so it's well protected.
The armored door leading to the bridge was half-open and warped, refusing to budge. Lime easily sliced through the 20cm thick future metal door with his holy sword as if cutting tofu.
Holy swords like Lime's have dual attributes of physical and magical, meaning they can't be defended against with just physical defenses but also require high magical defenses.
...Though I don't think futuristic metals like this have magical defenses.
As for the bridge itself, being the most heavily defended area, there seemed to be little damage at first glance.
Although pollutants seemed to have infiltrated, the room was buried in ashes that seemed to have once been worn by important-looking individuals.
Rizel, delighted, immediately started siphoning off the common currency from her mobile device, singing a tune to herself.
I'm not sure if it's because future people are generally tough, or if Rizel just stands out.
"For such a large ship, the bridge isn't that spacious. How many people does this ship accommodate?"
The bridge felt spacious with a high ceiling, about 15m × 15m in size.
Inside, equipment and seats were packed tightly, giving the impression of a smaller space than it actually was.
"Well, it's designed to accommodate about 400 people, but more than half are usually part of the landing forces. To operate it just for flying, you only need about four people on the bridge. But for repairs, resupply, and other operations, you'd need a minimum of 40 people."
Efficiently operating a 180m combat ship with just 40 people must be quite effective. I don't know the standards of combat ships in my original world, so it's not much of a reference.
"Oh, and Captain of the Mercenary Corps, you've amassed 3 million IC (International Credits)! You could buy a Class 2 fighter jet with full options, yay!"
...Training this familiar will be tough. Once we escape this planet, I'll need to get books on training.
Ignoring Rizel, who was engrossed in treasure hunting, I sat down in what seemed to be the captain's seat at the bridge, manipulating the console.
Switching to emergency power, it seemed to still be operational.
The controls... yeah, they're similar to Actray's. I feel like I can operate them somehow.
I slightly increased the output of the emergency power, started up the management system.
"MH-D4002 Dragoon Class: Registered as Wyvern - Ez138, restarted in emergency mode."
Wyvern is a good name for this assault landing ship.
The letters and numbers that follow are probably because there are many ships named Wyvern.
"Currently in emergency mode, this terminal is locked. Please enter biometric authentication or access permission pass."
Of course, it's secure. Things are more exciting when they're hard to get.
"Rizel, give me a random mobile device from over there. Preferably a new model."

"Y-Yes, right away!"
Rizel handed me a sleek silver-plated plate-shaped mobile universal device similar to a smartphone.
I opened the skill list and selected 'Machine Operation / Common Standard' LV10, and its derivative 'Unauthorized Machine Operation / Common Standard' LV10. I also took 'Software Operation / Common Standard' LV10 and its derivative 'Unauthorized Software Operation / Common Standard' LV10.
Let's set 'Knowledge / Common Standard Spaceship' to about LV5.
"What are you going to do?"
Lime, who unexpectedly rested his chin on my shoulder, peered at the device in my hand.
"First, I'm going to wake up the ship."
I tapped the device swiftly with my agile fingers.
"General-purpose terminal Ixber A1... detecting unauthorized user d... Confirming user registration via master authorization, registering Igusa Sanada-sama as a legitimate user."
First, I acquired the general-purpose terminal.
"External connection mode. Initiating forced access to Assault Landing Ship Wyvern - Ez138... Verifying barrier. Interference by Logic Barrier Type 138."
I connected the mobile device via wire to the captain's console of the Wyvern. I let the skill assist guide me through the operations I vaguely remembered.
"Warning, receiving unauthorized operation. Wyvern - Ez138 is countering with electronic warfare... Confirming partial release of barriers. Access completed via interruption under master authorization... Authorization system connection... Rewrite completed."
I pocketed the mobile device once it had completed its task.
A spatial projection window appeared in front of me.
"MH-D4002 Dragoon Class: Registered as Wyvern - Ez138, backup system activated. Welcome, Owner Igusa-sama. We welcome the highest authority aboard."
"You're cheating. Did you use skills?"
I nodded.
"I want a general-purpose terminal too. Please get one for me later."
"Sure. Please secure one with a design you like."
Even the hero is quite robust. Well, raiding someone else's house dungeon for loot seems to be part of the hero's qualifications in fantasy... is that normal? It's a delicate line.
"Now, the crucial moment has come. Wyvern, activate the mainframe. Wake up from your slumber."
For what I'm about to do, a functioning brain is necessary.
"Rizel, do you know how many years it's been since this ship was built?"
Returning with a happy face after securing various items, I asked Rizel.
"If it's a Hybrid Assault Landing Ship Dragoon Class, parts manufacturing was discontinued 17 years ago, so it's probably much older than that."
"You're surprisingly knowledgeable. I thought I'd ask just in case."
"That's rude! I'm actually quite skilled as a mechanic!"
She puffed up angrily. Her angry face was cute... oh no, did I say that out loud?
"Sorry, it seems I voiced my true feelings. Can you forgive me?"
"It bothers me even more now!"
She pouted. Such gestures seem to be timeless, no matter the era.
"Checks on all systems complete. Wyvern mainframe initiating. Warning, operation under emergency power will expire in 32 minutes."
Lights came on in other consoles around the bridge that had been silent, and projection windows began to open in the air.
The ship's status was displayed, with 89% of it glowing red. It's beyond just heavily damaged—it's scrap.
"Now, I've followed the SF style up until now, but from here on, it's fantasy time."
"What are you planning to do now?"
Rizel asked nervously, sticking close to me.
Yes, her unconscious contact is not bad at all. No, it's pushing against my chest quite firmly.
"Good, keep going... No, I shouldn't let it escalate in a weird direction.
'Concept Magic Activation: Designated Magic Circle - Aerial Description VIII / Target Multiplication VIII'
I ignored the rich sensation on my back and diligently deployed complex magic circles in the air.
Although I don't need to use magic circles without incantation, thorough preparation makes magic control easier and less straining on magical energy.
'Necromancy Activation: Residual Spirit Integration'
Four out of the eight deployed magic circles activated, altering their compositions complexly.
'Necromancy Activation: Phantasm Creation VIII'
The remaining magic circles also activated, causing a wind unlike the atmospheric flow to blow inside the bridge.
The magic circles, compressed and glowing red, transformed into small ball-like shapes, leaving ripple-like patterns resembling water as they jumped into the window projected in the air.
Noise ran violently across the projected window, and immediately, a new window opened.
"Nice to meet you. I am Wyvern - Ez138. If it's hard to say, you can call me Wai-chan or whatever you like."
In the window, the figure of a middle-aged man with a business suit and a worn-out appearance was projected.
His hair was beginning to thin, and although the suit looked good, it appeared worn-out and frayed.
Here's the translation of the Japanese text:
"The pronunciation is close to standard but subtly different. It has a bit of an accent.
He really looks like a tired middle-aged salaryman.
...What should I do? This is quite different from what I expected.
"I am your master, Demon Lord Igusa. Remember that."
"Haha, Lord Igusa, I have firmly engraved your name in memory. I thought my old bones would just fade away, but I'm deeply moved to have a soul created by the Demon Lord."
"Uh-oh, um, um, who is this person? He's talking about Wyvern, but such a human-like advanced AI can't be processed by this mainframe!"
Seeing the flustered Rizel, the middle-aged Wyvern smiles even more politely with a kind Ebisu-like face.
"Isn't this Rizel, the young lady? Well, I saw you managed to escape. You're lucky to be alive."
Oh, right, Rizel was on this ship.
So, they know each other. Well, it's mostly one-sided.
"Rizel, have you heard of the tradition that says consciousness - a soul - resides in objects used for a long time?"
"Huh!? Um... I think I heard about it in ancient folklore studies."
"This one is exactly that. The soul of the Phantasm, a spirit residing in the Wyvern assault landing ship. It's good that it's an old ship; a newer one wouldn't have such a well-developed consciousness."
"Oh, I'm embarrassed. I'm just an old-timer with a few years under my belt."
"I don't understand!"
Hmm, Rizel's screams are music to my ears. My ears are happy.
At first, there was a lot of rejection, but lately, resignation seems more prevalent.
She's screaming and avoiding, but she'll get used to it soon.
"Rhyme, could you use healing magic if you have it?"
"Sure. I made it with necromancy, so it won't harm you, right?"
"I used necromancy to create it, but categorically, it's closer to a golem. It's not undead, so it's fine."
"Then I guess it's okay..."
"Divine Magic Activation: Sustained Healing II"
Rhyme activates healing magic by placing her hand on the console.
"Oh, it's coming, it's coming. Main reactor repair rate 3%... 5% is gradually recovering."
It feels good, but it's unpleasant to hear a middle-aged man's voice of pleasure... It feels like enjoying a massage.
Honestly, I feel nauseous. Even though it's a Phantasm, showing a middle-aged man's pleasure face and ecstatic voice with great force, what kind of punishment game is this?
If it's fixed with healing magic, I'll endure it...
"The reactor is now minimally operational. I'll start the ship's internal power stabilization."
Switching from unreliable emergency lights, the ship is filled with bright light.
"If it's a magical creature, it seems it can be repaired with healing. Rhyme, can I ask you to repeat the healing process efficiently?"
"Sure, but doesn't Igusa have more magical power than me?"
That's a good question. However, there's an issue.
"Maybe because of the Demon Lord's correction, my healing magic isn't very stable. I don't want to use it except in emergencies. Honestly, I don't know what kind of side effects might come with it."
It's true that it's unstable. The amount of healing was almost enough to make Rizel's life disappear.
Above all, even though it's a Phantasm, I don't want to hear a middle-aged man's voice of pleasure.
It's already difficult enough to control healing magic; it seems likely to slip through my fingers.
"I understand. Leave it to me."
I left it to her. Mainly for the sake of my mental health.
"Hey, Wyvern. Usually, ships are treated as female. So why are you male?"
Yeah, normally a ship would be female, so when I made a Phantasm, I thought a sexy older sister would come out, so I put so much effort into it.
The result was this middle-aged man. It's good even if it's a scam!
My heart is deeply wounded. I want someone to heal me.
"Oh, the first captain of this ship carried a great fortune. I was praying to a god of fortune like me, with an appearance like mine. That custom has been passed down to Wyvern's captains and bridge crews for generations."
Damn, what a special hobby that first captain had.
If you're going to bear good fortune, make it a goddess!
"I see... well, it's fine. Since Phantasms are apparently treated as demons, swear your loyalty."
Honestly, it's not great. But inside, I'm swirling with regrets about the sexy older sister.
As the ruler of evil, it's unseemly to say something so small-minded.
"Oh, I'll gladly serve you. I'll go anywhere for the Demon Lord, whether it's in fire, in the atmosphere, or in the stars!"
No, it would be bad if you crashed into a star. You would melt, right?
"I see. Let's thank Wyvern for its loyalty. So, at the current pace of repairs, how long until we can leave the atmosphere?"
"Well, at this rate, prioritizing repairs to the engine section and outer hull breaches, and considering the external weapons capable of breaking debris and engine and shield generators, it'll take about 2 to 3 days. It's fine to complete the repairs while moving, but I'd appreciate it if you could give me another two weeks."
"Got it. Once the minimum repairs to the engine section and patching the outer hull are done, prioritize life support and environmental maintenance. We're currently protected by magic, but I don't want to leave the ship's interior in a perpetually polluted state."
"Yes, understood. There was a safe clean room near the bridge, so I'll maintain that too. The young ladies will need sleeping quarters, right?"
"Maintain? It's safe, right?"
What are you going to maintain?
"Oh... well, um, you see, the former executives have turned their rooms into their own. I haven't cleaned it; it's a mess, and there are plenty of obscene goods. It's a tough situation for the young ladies to sleep in."
Ah, it's like a sloppy bachelor's pad... I'd rather lie down on the contaminated crystals outside than sleep in such a room.
"I'll leave that to you. But make sure to store any data that gentlemen like in other places. Got it?"
I can't just throw that away...!
It's the future of gentlemanly goods; you can expect a lot from them.
I don't even want to touch directly contact types of goods, but there's no harm in the data.
"Hehe, that's right. Lord Igusa seems to like it."
Wyvern smiles smugly. Oh, you understand that too.
It might have been somewhat appropriate, in a sense, rather than having a clean older sister personality.
"Igusa, vulgar."
"Igusa-sama is dirty..."
Oops, I forgot that the two of them were nearby.
"I apologize for listening to the conversation; it was rude, but I don't regret it. What's the point of being a demon lord if you're going to deny your desires? No, I'll not only deny them but actively affirm them; that's the caliber of a demon lord...!"
I'll just go ahead and open it up. I'll say it assertively with a sound like that.
It was painful to have the gaze and silence of the two.
But I have no regrets.
However, Rizel, a minion like you, denying your main.
You'll have to pay for the training soon...!