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Chapter 8
"It's funny. Truly funny."
My anger boils up in Kisaragi's words.
Is it because I remembered everything?
"Huh? You created this damn game, didn't you!?"
"That's right."
She nods with a cold smile.
"You created me, didn't you?!"
She nods nonchalantly.
"You created the emotions in this world, didn't you?!"
"That's not true."
She firmly shakes her head.
"In this world, your emotions are not under my control. The only setting is your role."
"So what? It's still your fault my childhood friend got stolen!"
"Yeah, that's right."
Kisaragi sighs as if exasperated.
"You said you don't control the emotions, right? But at the same time, you control the actions!"
"...What are you trying to say?"
Kisaragi furrows her brow.
Still doesn't understand, it seems.
"You chose this route, didn't you?"
"You thought you couldn't change the scenario because you're just a side character, right? It can't be helped, right? It can't be helped because you're just a side character."
Kisaragi smiles with affection.
But in an instant, that expression turns into a look of contempt.
"Don't run away, making convenient excuses. It's impossible for you to know this world, right? Things are happening to you that shouldn't be. But there's no reason you can't change the game's scenario, right?"
I can't speak.
"It's your fault for being bound by the setting."

"...I was scared of after trying to change things through my actions and nothing changed. So, yeah. I ran away. Get hurt. Betrayed. Being a side character was a good excuse."
I hang my head in defeat.
It's too late for regrets now. It's my fault for not trying to change things.
"Now, well, as an apology for creating this game, let me tell you two good things."
Kisaragi claps her hands.
A light sound resonates in the room.
"Your actions are changing the future slightly. It's a miracle. By chance, Mia happened to be there, and then she happened to find it. Such miracles don't happen often."
Kisaragi forms a gentle smile.
"...What are you talking about?"
"It means that actions and emotions weren't being controlled."
What's that? I don't understand.
"And finally, it's about Mochizuki Kaito."
He's the main character, right? What happened to him?
"He's a reincarnator."
What is she talking about? Something so unreal ... well, this world itself is unrealistic.
"You seem to understand. He probably has knowledge of this game. And he's trying to capture the other two heroines as well."
This game has three heroines, but well, he's the main character, so it's not unusual, right?
"What's the big deal about that?"
"Think about it normally. Even though he has a girlfriend, he's trying to capture two more. How do you think his girlfriend feels when she sees that?"
I see. Capturing three girls means he's being unfaithful.
"Now, Mia is feeling distrust toward him, thanks to your actions."
My heart races.
My breathing is quick, and my body feels hot.
"You seem to have figured it out, hm?"
"I might be able to get her back now."
Kisaragi smiles faintly.
"Yeah, maybe."