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Chapter 7
The summer of my second year at middle school. I learned the truth about this world.
I wake up and raise myself out of bed.
I'm wet.
Sweat was pouring out of my entire body like a waterfall.
I let out an inaudible scream.
Mia is cuckold.
I can say so because my dream told me so.
She is my childhood friend, whom I love and take for granted to be with.
And then, the protagonist steal her.
It's a dream, but it's not a dream. It is reality.
For some reason, I thought so.
I want to deny it. But I can't.
What should I do?
No, I can't do anything.
This world is a game.
I'm the supporting character and Mia is the heroine.
A setting that cannot be changed.
"Damn it."
Just die you sh*tty game!
Drowning in helplessness, I punch my thigh.
"Akito, Mia-chan is here!"
At the sound of my mom's voice, I grabbed my stuff and went outside.
"Ah, good morning, Aki-kun!"
Mia lit me up with a smile, as usual.
"......Good morning."
"Eh? It's a little dark in here. What's wrong?"
Mia approaches with concern and puts her hand on my forehead.
"......Doesn't seem to have a fever. Aki-kun, are you okay?"
I'm still trying to get my mind straight. I'm still a mess.
I don't know how to look her.

I don't know how to fix it.
Don't smile at me.
Don't touch me.
Don't look worried.
Mia is going to be the protagonist's, right?
I'm in pain.
--- Why?
Because Mia is being cuckold.
--- Why is it so painful to be cuckolded?
Because I love Mia.
--- Why do you love her?
It's not logical. I just like her.
--- That's serious.
--- Can't you just change the future?
I'm a minor character! I have no power to change it!
--- Then forget it.
Forget what?
--- All your feelings for Mia. Erase everything. Leave no trace. If you can't, hide them in the back. Lock them up so they can't be seen. You'll forget about it.
......Got it.
"......Hmm? What's wrong? Are you okay? If not, take the day off..."
"Please go out with me."
Mia's eyes grow wide.
Her face turns red, and even the tips of her ears turn red.
"......Is that what you mean?"
A drop forms on the rim of Mia's eye.
"Me too, you know, I've loved you for a long, long time!"
Mia tells her feelings with a big smile.
"Me too", huh?
"What's your reply?"
I prompted, and Mia jumped into my chest.
That was Mia's reply.
This world was a sh*t.
But that was enough.
I can manipulate it until my part is done. I will endure until I am freed.