My Childhood Friend's Chapter 6

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 Chapter 6

"I'm the one who knows this world."

The infirmary falls silent.

My brain stilled in front of Kisaragi as she said it.

"............Is it right that this world is 'Forbidden Love'?"

This was all I could think of.

I look into Kisaragi's absorbing black eyes.


Kisaragi nodded.

"......So, there were others besides me?"

Surprise and somewhat of a sense of relief occupied my chest.

"Well, to be precise, I'm the game master who created this world."

Kisaragi smiled quietly.


A bottom-chilling voice came from my own throat.

I am surprised at myself.

"Did you the one who create this sh*t?"



"......! Because of you!!!!!!!"

I grab Kisaragi by the chest.

""Because of you" what?"

Kisaragi smiles even in this situation.

A chill ran down my spine as I looked into her dark, dark eyes.

"Because of you ...... huh, what?"

What was I going to say now?

What am I mad?

What did I get angry about?

This world is a sh*t. I knew that. I've known that for a long time. But I've never been angry about it.

And now there is only the person who created it right in front of me.

There is no element of anger, is there?

But now my body was moving on its own accord, and I was about to ask Kisaragi.


I don't know.

It's your fault, Kisaragi, but what is her fault?

"Kuh, kuhahahaha."

Suddenly, Kisaragi lets out a high-pitched laugh.

It's not the same kind of laughter she had earlier.

A sneer.

That's the word I'm most familiar with.

"It's hilarious. It's so funny. Interesting. It's so interesting."

The emotion disappears from Kisaragi's expression.

.....What is that?

Is this guy human?

"Let me guess what you were going to say."

She changes her expression.

Laughing, serious expression, hatred, nothingness.

Above all, they have deep, dark eyes that seem to see through everything.

" That "Because of you" was because of me....."

I don't want to hear it.

I want to cover my ears.

But they won't let me.

Kisaragi's eyes take away my physical freedom.

"––– 'Mia was cuckolded', right?"

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