My Childhood Friend's Chapter 3

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 Chapter 3

Well now, I have a new loved ones.

During lunch break, after finishing my meal with Haruto, I go around to various classrooms by myself.

I go around to see what's going on.

Oh, I like that girl. No, that girl too. Oh wow! That girl is really nice!

......Damn it, it's different!

Something is different. It's like, what can I say, it's like falling in love a little bit at a time!

But I can't because I've never talked to a girl properly!

Which means there's no point in what I'm doing now!

"Huh. What am I doing?"

How do you fall in love?

I mean, I see a cute girl, but I'm not moved by her at all.

"What are you sighing about?"

As I was walking slowly, someone called out to me from behind. The voice belonged to a man.

Who was it? I don't have that many friends, unfortunately. And I don't have anyone with a voice like this either.

Is it useless to think about it?

I slowly turn around.


My eyes widen at the unexpected figure.

The protagonist.


When I turned to look at him, he turned his face away.

And I didn't realize Mia was there too.

They were holding hands. Oh, they're so imposing, even though we just broke up yesterday.

"I wonder if you're regretting what you're doing."

The protagonist asks with a smile.

But wow, he's so handsome.

"Are you talking about Mia, by any chance?"


Mia turned her head away while me and the protagonist were talking.

She has a complicated expression on her face.

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"That's a misunderstanding. I don't regret leaving Mia. I wished her happiness."

I smile at them both and leave.


I think I hear something behind me, but it's probably just my imagination.

I decided to go back to the classroom.

"Akito, you're free after school today, right?"

"Oh, yeah."

I've been going home with Mia, but we broke up yesterday, so I'm free now!

"Okay, let's go to the arcade then."


Wohoooo! It's been a long time since I've been to an arcade!

"You're not getting any better at that game, are you?"

"Well, I don't know. The last time I went with you was before high school."

"I'm sure you're not good at games."

Haruto tightens his neck.

Not forcibly, though.

Me and Haruto laughed at each other.

Ah, it's so nice. I want to find a new love, but it's also fun to hang out with Haruto like this.

"Oh, well, I heard your ex-girlfriend went out with the main character."

Haruto's mouth was of course referring to Kaito Mochizuki, the main character.

But if you ask me if Haruto knows about the game, he doesn't.

It's just that Kaito Mochizuki is so handsome, an ace in the soccer club, has a good personality, and is popular that the boys call him the main character.

"Yeah, I know. He talked to me just now."

"Wow, seriously? Heh?"

"I've been misunderstood as I sighed, he said to me, "Do you regret breaking up with Mia?""

That was just me sighing at my own odd behavior though.

"......That's aggravating, isn't it?"

"No, no, no, he's the main character, right? He's not the kind of guy you who to stir things up."

"Well, yeah, that's true."

So, with that out of the way, Haruto and I headed to the arcade.

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