My Childhood Friend's Chapter 11

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 Chapter 11

My expectations weren't entirely off the mark.

In my line of sight, I see the protagonist and Mia in blue yukatas. There's also another heroine.

That's Koharu, the cute mischievous junior heroine. She's wearing a pink yukata.

But one heroine is missing. The brilliant, physically gifted student council president.

That's strange. There should be an event for the student council president as well.

Should I get closer to check it out?

I don't have to worry about being recognized. I'm wearing a fox mask, after all.

--- "Hey, where did the president go?"

--- "I don't know, but how about you forget about her and have a date with me instead?"

The junior clings to the protagonist's arm.

The protagonist smiles in a troubled manner.

But he seems anxious about something.

I'm pretty sure the president's event involved her getting lost and being hit on.

Is she lost now because she doesn't know the location?

Damn it, go find her! But if he does, he'll get separated from Mia and the junior.

Okay, I'll look for her and lead her the way.

I dove into the waves of the crowd.

--- "Hey, it's just for a minute, you know?"

--- "No, I have someone with me."

--- "But no one's here."

--- "I'm just lost."

--- "In that case, let me help you find him."

--- "No, it's fine."

Ah, there she is, wearing a red yukata. She's surrounded by two men who look like college students behind one of the food stalls.

Oh, the event has started.

The president is an all-rounder who can handle anything. But she might be in danger here because she can't rely on anyone, and that's when the protagonist should come to her aid, making her feel comfortable asking for help.

It's already started, though.

--- "Come on, come with me!"

Hey, if you don't hurry, you'll miss the event, protagonist!

--- "Ah!"

One of the men grabs the president's arm.

Well, it's probably too late now. let's get out of here.

--- "Stop it!"

--- "Haha, I won't."

I'm sorry, but this isn't my concern. The protagonist will take care of it later.

Let's give it up. That's the heroine's mission.



Why did you suddenly come out?! Who do you think you are?!

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Novel Nook Haven Translation

I grip the wrist of the man holding the president's hand.

"I'm ... the fox mask."


"Are you kidding? Let go of my hand!"

The man whose hand I'm holding kicks at me forcefully.

Damn, that was close!

I barely manage to dodge.

I'm sweating. Well, it's time for me to strike back!

Do I have experience in martial arts, you ask?

No, I don't. I've never been in a fight.

But I do have one last trick up my sleeve.

"Help me, President!"

The president is right next to me.

"Eh? Yes, I'm the one who's in charge of ... wait, how do you know I'm the president?!"

"That's not important right now! Just help me!"

"O-Oh, wait!"

The president swings her heel down onto the man's head.

He falls to the ground.

And immediately, the second man. The result is the same as with the first one.

Amazing for someone wearing a yukata.

"Haa, I'm saved."

"Uh, um, thanks ... eh, but you did nothing..."

The president looks puzzled.

Well, I didn't really do anything, did I? I guess I wasn't needed.

Actually, the president could have handled this by herself, so maybe this event wasn't necessary.

"Then, I'll be going."

"W-Wait! Who are you?"

"I'm the fox mask."

"Tell me your real name. Also, take off that mask."


A silent battle between the president and me begins.

--- "Is it here?"

"This voice..."

The protagonist's voice comes from the back.

I need to leave soon.


The president's small voice comes from behind.

"I do nothing, but you can rely on him."

I'm really sorry because I messed up the event.

But with this, the protagonist's favorability should increase somewhat.

Kisaragi was right. Our emotions aren't controlled. But she's a heroine, so I think I can't help it.

I leave the scene and looked for Mia.

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